edited volumes and special issues

Last modified January 26th, 2025 by hofkirchner

1 Complexity Thinking | 2 Science of Information | 3 ICTs and Society

1 Complexity Thinking | top



(2014) Henriette Hübner: Dialektik als philosophische Theorie der Selbstorganisation. Hegel und Marx in aktuellen Auseinandersetzungen. In: Selbstorganisation sozialer Prozesse, Bd. 9, 800 [co-editors Peter Fleissner, Johann Götschl and Herbert Hörz]



(2014) Francisco Parra-Luna, Eva Kasparova: Measuring Organisational Efficiency. In: Systems, Vol. 4, College Publications, London, 180



(2014) Civilisation at the Crossroads, Response and Responsibility of the Systems Sciences, emcsr 2014 Book of Abstracts, 805 [co-editors Jennifer Wilby and Stefan Blachfellner], online



(2013) Matjaz Mulej et al.: Dialectical Systems Thinking and the Law of Requisite Holism concerning Innovation. In: Exploring Unity Through Diversity, BCSSS Book Series Vol. 3, Emergent Publications, Goodyear, Arizona, 366 [order with me]


(2012) emcsr 2012 book of abstracts. BCSSS, Vienna, 435 [co-editors Robert M. Bichler and Stefan Blachfellner], online



(2011) Heinz-Dieter Haustein: Zeitenwechsel. Der aufhaltsame Aufstieg des Geldkapitals in der Geschichte. In: Selbstorganisation sozialer Prozesse, Bd. 8, 160 [co-editors Peter Fleissner, Johann Götschl and Herbert Hörz]


(2010) Rainer E. Zimmermann: New Ethics Proved in Geometrical Order. Spinozist Reflexions on Evolutionary Systems. In: Exploring Unity Through Diversity, BCSSS Book Series Vol. 2, Emergent Publications, Goodyear, Arizona, 134


(2010) Edgar Morin: Die Natur der Natur. Die Methode, Band 1. Übersetzt aus dem Französischen und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Rainer E. Zimmermann. turia+kant, Wien, Berlin, 491 [Edgar Morin: The nature of nature. Method, volume 1. Translation from French]


(2009) David Pouvreau: The Dialectical Tragedy of the Concept of Wholeness: Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s Biography Revisited. In: Exploring Unity Through Diversity, BCSSS Book Series Vol. 1, ISCE Publishing, Goodyear, Arizona, 244


(2006) David Pouvreau: La “tragédie dialectique du concept de totalité”: Une biographie non officielle de Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1901-1972) d’après ses textes, sa correspondance et ses archives, BCSSS, Vienna, 102 [David Pouvreau: “Dialectical tragedy of the concept of wholeness”. A non-official biography of Ludwig von Bertalanffy]


(2005) Mark Davidson: Qu∃rdenken! Leben und Werk Ludwig von Bertalanffys. Peter Lang, Wien, 176 [Mark Davidson: Uncommon sense; translation from American English]


(2004) Science of Self-Organization and Self-Organization of Science. Abris, Kyiv, 200 [co-editor Dobronravova, I.]


(1997) Vladimir I. Vernadskij, Der Mensch in der Biosphäre. Zur Naturgeschichte der Vernunft. Peter Lang, Wien, 250 [V.I. Vernadsky: Man in Biosphere. On the natural history of rationality] [translated from Russian]


(1994) Weltbild – Weltordnung. Perspektiven für eine zerbrechliche und endliche Erde. agenda, Münster, 126. [World view – world order. Perspectives on a fragile and finite world]
Bulgarian translation 1995 [Svetogled – Svetoven Red. INEKS - 94, Sofia, 180]


2 Science of Information | top



(2025) Understanding Information and its Role as a Tool: In Memory of Mark Burgin. World Scientific Series in Information Studies, Vol. 17, World Scientific, Singapore, 530 [co-editor Schroeder, M.] [in preparation]



(2017) Information studies and the quest for transdisciplinarity: unity through diversity. World Scientific Series in Information Studies, Vol. 9. World Scientific, Singapore, 548 [co-editor Burgin, M.]


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(2017) The future information society: social and technological problems. World Scientific Series in Information Studies, Vol. 8. World Scientific, Singapore, 520 [co-editor Burgin, M.]



(2017) Information in Physics and Beyond. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, Vol. 226


(2016) Selected Papers from the ISIS Summit Vienna 2015. Special Issue, Information, Vol. 6, Issue 4 (2015) – Vol. 7, Issue 1 (2016) [co-guest editor Burgin, M.]


(2011) Towards a New Science of Information, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on the Foundations of Information Science, Beijing, August 21-24, 2010. Special issue, triple-c, 9 (2), 272-550 [co-guest editors Marijuán, P. C., Li, Z.-R., Ouyang, K.]


(1999) The Quest for a Unified Theory of Information. Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Foundations of Information Science. With a Foreword by Klaus Haefner. Gordon&Breach, Amsterdam etc., 590


(1998) Information und Selbstorganisation. Annäherungen an eine vereinheitlichte Theorie der Information. Studienverlag, Innsbruck, 384 [Information and Self-Organisation. Approaching a unified theory of information] [co-editors Fenzl, N., Stockinger, G.]


(1997) Proceedings of FIS96, Second Conference on the Foundations of Information Science. Special issue, World Futures 3–4(49) & 1–4(50)


(1997) Facets of Information Science. Special issue, Informatik Forum 1


3 ICTs and Society | top


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(2022) Digital Humanism and the Future of Humanity. Special issue, New Explorations, vol. 2, no. 3. https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/nexj [co-guest editor Kreowski, H.-J.]



(2022) Digital Humanism: how to shape digitalisation in the age of global challenges. The 2021 Summit of the International Society for the Study of Information, proceedings (81) 1, 4, 60, 62, 73, 75, 80, 82, 104, 108, 109 [co-academic editor Kreowski, H.-J.]



(2021) Transhumanism – The proper guide to a posthuman condition or a dangerous idea?. Cognitive Technologies,  Springer, Cham, 244 [co-editor Kreowski, H.-J.]



(2018) Emergente Systeme, Information und Gesellschaft – Problemstrukturen und Lösungsansätze. In: Leibniz Online Jahrgang 2018, Nr. 32 [co-guest editor Kreowski, H.-J.]


(2014) Selected Papers from FIS 2013 Moscow. Information, Special Issue [co-guest editors Kolin, K., Marijuán, P., Brenner, J.]



(2012) New ICTs and Social Media: Revolution, Counter-Revolution and Social Change. Special issue IRIE, No. 18 [co-guest editors Coenen, C., Díaz Nafría, J. M.]


(2010) Theorizing ICTs and Society. Special Issue, triple-c, 8/2, 157-192


(2010) Sustainable Development and ICTs. Special Issue, Journal of Information, Communication and Society, Vol. 13, Issue 1, February [co-guest editors Bradley, G., Bichler, R.]


(2002) Stufen zur Informationsgesellschaft. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski. Peter Lang, Wien, 434 [Steps towards Information Society] [co-editors Floyd, C., Fuchs, C.]

