contributions to conference proceedings or edited volumes and other scientific publications

Last modified January 26th, 2025 by hofkirchner

1 Complexity Thinking | 2 Science of Information | 3 ICTs and Society

1 Complexity Thinking | top


(2023) Imperative der Konvivialität für das “Anthropozän”. Leibniz Online, 51, 1-15.



(2022) The Future of Anthroposociogenesis: Panhumanism, Anthroporelational Humanism and Digital Humanism. In: proceedings 81 (1), 114.



(2022) The Ukraine conflict and the responsibility to protect all of humanity from annihilism. In:

(2022) Der Ukraine-Konflikt und die Verantwortung, die gesamte Menschheit vor der Vernichtung zu schützen. In: [German]

(2022) Die Verantwortung, die gesamte Menschheit vor der Vernichtung zu schützen. In Volksstimme, No. 7-8, August 2022, 10-12 [German]. pdf

(2023) Die Verantwortung, die gesamte Menschheit vor Vernichtung zu schützen. In: PAX REPORT, 1, Jänner 2023, 20-21 [German]. pdf



(2021) Ein dritter Sprung zum Menschsein: Mensch werden! In: Zeilinger, D. (ed.), Assoziation, Rainer E. Zimmermann zum Siebzigsten, wvb, Berlin, 136-144



(2020) Taking the perspective of the Third. A contribution to the origins of systems thinking. In: proceedings 47 (1), 8.  doi:10.3390/proceedings2020047008



(2018) ¿Qué es la Teoría de Sistemas?, ¿Qué es el enfoque sistémico? y ¿Cuál es su utilidad?: Respuestas a las tres preguntas por: Wolfgang Hofkirchner. In: Avances Sistémicos, 1, 2a, 17



(2017) Evolutionary systems. A Manifesto. In: Proceedings, vol. 1, no. 3, 253; doi:10.3390/proceedings1030253 [co-authors Zimmermann, R., Díaz Nafría, J. M., Grathoff, A., Sigmund, T., Zhang, X.]


human in complexity

(2017) The rationale for complexity thinking and emergentist systemism. In: Kochubei, N. V.,  Nesterovoj, M. O., Adrushenka, V. P. (eds.), Human in Complexity [in Ukrainian], Universitetska Kniga, Kiev, 229-237


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(2017) Creating Common Good. The Global Sustainable Information Society as the Good Society. In: Archer, M. S. (ed.), Morphogenesis and Human Flourishing, Springer, Dordrecht, 277-296 [a version available on request]


(2016) Systems of systems vs. nested systems. A comparison. In: Blachfellner, S., Werner, T. M. (eds.), Book of Abstracts, European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research Vienna, BCSSS, 129



(2016) Relationality in Social Systems. Social Relations in the Focus of Social Theory. In: Li, W. (ed.), “Für unser Glück oder das Glück anderer”, Vorträge des X. Internationalen Leibniz-Kongresses, Hannover, 18.-23. Juli 2016, Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim etc., vol. V, 235-243



(2016) Ethics from Systems: Origin, Development and Current State of Normativity. In: Archer, M. S. (ed.), Morphogenesis and the Crisis of Normativity, Springer, Dordrecht, 279-295 [a version available on request]



(2015) Foreword. In: Ludwig von Bertalanffy, General System Theory, Revised Edition, George Braziller, New York, xi-xxii [co-author David Rousseau]



(2015) “Mechanisms” at Work in the Information Society. In: Archer, M. S. (ed.), Generative Mechanisms Transforming the Social Order, Springer, Dordrecht, 95-112 [a version available on request]



(2014) On the Validity of Describing ‘Morphogenic Society’ as a System and Justifiability of Thinking About It as a Social Formation. In: Archer, M. S. (ed.), Late Modernity: Trajectories towards Morphogenic Society, Springer, Dordrecht, 119-141 [a version available on request]


(2013)  Self-Organisation as the Mechanism of Development and Evolution in Social Systems. In: Archer, M. S. (ed.), Social Morphogenesis, Springer, Dordrecht, 125-143 [a version available on request]


(2012) Sustainability and Self-Organisation: Sustainability in the Perspective of Complexity and Systems Science and Ethical Considerations. In: Nishigaki, T., Takenouchi, T. (eds.), Information Ethics: The Future of the Humanities, V2 Solution Publisher, Nagoya City, Japan, 190-217


(2011) “Kritische Systemtheorie” – eine contradictio in adjecto? In: Deppe, F., Meixner, W., Pallaver, G. (eds.), Widerworte. Politik Philosophie Kommunikation, Festschrift für Jörg Becker, innsbruck university press, 29-39 ["Critical System Theory" – contradictio in adiecto?]


(2011) General System Theory. In: Hooker, C. (ed.), Philosophy of Complex Systems, Gabbay, D. M., Thagard, P., Woods, J. (eds.), Handbook of the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 10, North Holland, Amsterdam etc., 177-194 [co-author Schafranek, M.] [a copy available on request]


(2010) Auto-re-creación, 28 [also in English: Self-re-creation, 371-372];
Auto-reestructuración, 29 [also in English: Self-restructuring, 374-375];
Auto-reproducción, 32 [also in English: Self-reproduction, 374];
Teoría Unificada de la Información, 199-200 [also in English: Unified Theory of Information, 401-402];
[co-author Díaz Nafría, J.M.]
In: Díaz Nafría, J.M., Pérez-Montoro Gutiérrez, M., Salto Alemany, F. (eds.), Glossarium BITri, Glossary of concepts, metaphors, theories and problems concerning information, Universidad de León, Spain

(2016) Self-re-creation, 187-188;
Self-reproduction, 190;
Self-restructuring, 190-191;
Unified Theory of Information, 217-218.
In: 2nd edition, Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad Estatal de Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador


(2010) Vorwort. In: Edgar Morin, Die Natur der Natur. Die Methode, Band 1. Übersetzt aus dem Französischen und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Rainer E. Zimmermann. turia+kant, Wien, Berlin, 11-13 [Edgar Morin: The nature of nature. Method, volume 1. Translation from French]


(2009) Autopoiesis and Critical Social Systems Theory. In: Magalhães, R., Sanchez, R. (eds.), Autopoiesis in Organization Theory and Practice, Emerald, Bingley, 111–129 [co-author Fuchs, C.]


(2007) The challenge of complexity. Social and human sciences in the information age. In: Institute for Philosophical Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (ed.), Proceedings, XXIV Varna International Philosophical School, Philosophy Bridging Civilizations and Cultures, Universal, Regional, National Values in United Europe, IPhR-BAS, ISBN 978-954-91351-8-3, 449-455.
Also in: Discussion Paper CSGP D4/09, Centre for the Critical Study of Global Power and Politics, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada,, 2009, 8


(2007) Das Internet als Raum. Evolutionäre Systemtheorie als Grundlage einer einheitlichen Raumtheorie. In: Vorschein Nr. 29, Jahrbuch 2007 der Ernst-Bloch-Assoziation, 64-77 [Internet as space. Evolutionary systems theory as foundation of a unified theory of space]


(2007) Las falacias de la inteligencia ciega. In: Reynaga, R. (ed.), Homenaje al amigo, 85 años, Hommage à l’ami, 85 ans, Homage to a friend, 85th birthday, Edgar Morin, Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin, Mexico, 465-469. Also in French [Les erreurs de l’intelligence aveugle, ibidem, 470-474] and English [The Fallacies of Blind Intelligence, ibidem, 475-478]

(2006) Towards a Post-Luhmannian Social Systems View. In: Proceedings, XVI World Congress of Sociology, Durban, CD-ROM, 1-20

(2006) Society as a self-organising system. In: Yevtuh, V., Dobronravova, I. (eds.), Cultural Context of Social Self-Organization, Kyiv University Press, 27-34. Also in Russian, ibidem, 91-98

(2006) Transdisziplinarität. Dialektik und Systemtheorie 2. In: Zimmermann, R. (ed.), Naturallianz, Von der Physik zur Politik in der Philosophie Ernst Blochs, Kovac, Hamburg, 321-342 [Transdisciplinarity. Dialectic and system theory 2] [co-author Raffl, C.]

(2006) Natur und Gesellschaft. Dialektik und Systemtheorie 1. In: Zimmermann, R. (ed.), Naturallianz, Von der Physik zur Politik in der Philosophie Ernst Blochs, Kovac, Hamburg, 299-320 [Nature and society. Dialectic and system theory 1]

(2005) Ludwig von Bertalanffy. Forerunner of Evolutionary Systems Theory. In: Gu, J., Chroust, G. (eds.), The New Role of Systems Sciences For a Knowledge-based Society, Proceedings of the First World Congress of the International Federation for Systems Research, Kobe, Japan, CD-ROM (ISBN 4-903092-02-X), 6


(2004) Unity Through Diversity. Dialectics – Systems Thinking – Semiotics. In: Arlt, H. (ed.), The Unifying Aspects of Cultures, INST, Wien, ISBN 3-9501947-0-3, CD-ROM


(2003) A New Way of Thinking and a New World View. On the Philosophy of Self-Organisation I. In: Arshinov, V., Fuchs, C. (eds.), Causality, Emergence, Self-Organisation, NIA-Priroda, Moscow, 131–149

(2003) Homo creator in einem schöpferischen Universum. “Selbstorganisation” als Grundlage neuer Konzepte von “Natur” und “Gesellschaft”. In: Maurer, M., Höll, O. (eds.), Natur als Politikum, RLI-Verlag, Wien371–392 [Homo creator in a creative universe. “Self-organisation” as basis for new concepts of “nature” and “society”]

(2002) Das Paradigma der Selbstorganisation – Fragen der Übertragbarkeit von Sichtweisen aus den Naturwissenschaften auf die Sozialwissenschaften. In: Bauer, L., Hamberger, K. (eds.), Gesellschaft denken, Eine erkenntnistheoretische Standortbestimmung der Sozialwissenschaften, Springer, Wien, 113–124 [The paradigm of self-organisation – the issue of transpsoing views from natural science towards social science]

(1999) Ways of Thinking and the Unification of Science. In: Allen, J. K., Hall, M. L. W., Wilby, J. (eds.), Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of ISSS (The International Society for the Systems Sciences), ISBN 09664183-2-8 (CD-ROM), 12

(1997) Entropy and its Implications for Sustainability. In: Dragan, J.C., Demetrescu, M.C., Seifert, E.K. (eds.), Implications and Applications of Bioeconomics, Proceedings of the Second International Conference of the E.A.B.S., Palma de Mallorca, 1994, Edizioni Nagard, Milano, 147–155 [co-author Fleissner, P.]

(1997) Vladimir I. Vernadskij – Klassiker des globalen Denkens. In: Hofkirchner, W. (ed.): Vladimir I. Vernadskij, Der Mensch in der Biosphäre. Zur Naturgeschichte der Vernunft. Peter Lang, Wien, 7–22 [V.I. Vernadsky – classical global thinker] [co-author Löther, R.]

(1995) Globale Menschheit und Kleinstaatlichkeit. Ein Nullsummenspiel für Europa/Eurasien? In: Langer, J., W. Pöllauer (eds.), Kleine Staaten in großer Gesellschaft – Small States in the Emerging New Europe, Vlg. f. Soziologie und Humanethologie, Eisenstadt, 75–88 [Globalised mankind and sectionalism. A zero sum game for Europe/Eurasia?] [co-author Dimitrov, D.]

(1994) Öko-Ethik: Von Spinoza zum New Age? In: Balibar, E., H. Seidel, M. Walther (eds.), Freiheit und Notwendigkeit, Ethische und politische Aspekte bei Spinoza und in der Geschichte des (Anti–)Spinozismus, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 241–249 [Ecological ethics: from Spinoza to New Age?]

(1994) Ein neues Weltbild für eine neue Weltordnung. Reflexionen über die Selbstorganisation der Menschheit. In: Hofkirchner, W. (ed.), Weltbild – Weltordnung, Perspektiven für eine zerbrechliche und endliche Erde, agenda, Münster, 11–30 [A new world view for a new world order. Reflections on self-organisation of humanity].
Bulgarian translation [Nov Svetogled za nov svetoven red. Refleksii warhu samoorganisaziata na chovechestvoto In: Svetogled – Svetoven Red, Hofkirchner, W. (Ed.), INEKS - 94, Sofia 1995, 9–38]

(1993) Groping for the Next Stage of Civilization. Philosophical Reflections on the Concept of Sustainability. In: Moser, F. (ed.), Sustainability – Where do we stand?, Proceedings of the International Symposium, TU Graz, 39–51 [co-authors Fleissner, P., Dimitrov, D.]

(1993) Substitution of Transport Activities: An Input-Output Approach to Determine Economic and Environmental Effects. In: Franz, A., C. Stahmer (eds.), Approaches to Environmental Accounting, Proceedings of the IARIW Conference on Environmental Accounting, hosted by the Austrian Statistical Society and the Austrian Central Statistical Office, Baden, Austria, 27-29 May 1991, Physica-Vlg., Heidelberg, 282–294 [co-authors Dell’mour, R., Fleissner, P., Steurer, A.]

(1993) The Austrian Experience with Literature-based Innovation Output Indicators. In: Kleinknecht, A., Bain, D. (eds.), New Concepts in Innovation Output Measurement, Macmillan/St. Martin’s Press, London/New York, 85–112 [co-authors Fleissner, P., Pohl, M.]

(1992) From a New World View to a New World Order. In: Rilling, R., et al. (eds.), Challenges, Science and Peace in a Rapidly Changing Environment, International Congress of Scientists and Engineers, Proceedings, Marburg, Bonn, Hamburg, Vol. II, 256

(1989)  Die Arbeiterbewegung vor neuem Handeln. In: Aufrisse 2, 24–31 [New challenges for the labour movement] [co-author Fleissner, P.]


2 Science of Information | top



(2023) Statement of Peer Review. In: Comput. Sci. Math. Forum 2023, 8(1), 1, [co-author Shi, Zh.]


(2023) Preface of the 2023 Summit of the International Society for the Study of Information. In: Comput. Sci. Math. Forum 2023, 8(1), 2, [co-author Shi, Zh.]



(2021) Zur Konzeptualisierung der Wahrheit aus der Sicht der Praxio-Onto-Epistemologie II. In: Signifikant 3, Jahrbuch für Strukturwandel und Diskurs, 3 (2020), Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin, Berlin 167-180


Signifikant: Jahrbuch für Strukturwandel und Diskurs / Band 2 (2019)

(2019) Zur Konzeptualisierung von Wahrheit aus der Sicht der Praxio-Onto-Epistemologie. In: Signifikant, Jahrbuch für Strukturwandel und Diskurs, 2, xenomoi, Berlin, 221-229


Communications in Computer and Information Science

(2019) GlossaLAB: Co-creating Interdisciplinary Knowledge. In: CCIS, vol. 1051, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 423-437  [co-authors Díaz Nafría, J. Guarda, T., Burgin, M., Zimmermann, R., Chroust, G., Belli, S.]



(2017) Introduction: Omnipresence of Information as the Incentive for Transdisciplinarity [co-author Burgin, M.]. In: Burgin, M., Hofkirchner, W. (eds.), Information studies and the quest for transdisciplinarity, World Scientific Series in Information Studies, Vol. 9, World Scientific, Singapore, 1-7


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(2017) Introduction: Sociology of Information Processes and the Development of Society [co-author Burgin, M.]. In: Hofkirchner, W., Burgin, M. (eds.), The future information society: social and technological problems, World Scientific Series in Information Studies, Vol. 8, World Scientific, Singapore, 1-7


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(2017) Information for a Global Sustainable Information Society. In: Hofkirchner, W., Burgin, M. (eds.), The future information society: social and technological problems, World Scientific Series in Information Studies, Vol. 8,  World Scientific, Singapore, 11-33 [a version available on request]



(2017) Introduction: Information from physics to social science. In: Hofkirchner, W. (ed.), Information in physics and beyond, European Physical Journal Special Topics, Vol. 226, 157-159



(2014) Epistemology and the Study of Social Information Within the Perspective of a Unified Theory of Information. In: Ibekwe-SanJuan, F., Dousa, T. M. (eds.), Theories of Information, Communication and Knowledge, A Multidisciplinary Approach, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Vol. 34, Springer, Dordrecht etc., 51-70 [a copy available on request]


(2012) Empathy. In: Favareau, D., Cobley, P., Kull, K., A More Developed Sign, Advancing the Work of Jesper Hoffmeyer, Tartu Semiotics Library 10, Tartu University Press, Tartu, 119-122


(2011) Editorial to the Special Issue: Towards a New Science of Information, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on the Foundations of Information Science, Beijing, August 21-24, 2010. In: Special issue, triple-c, 9 (2), 272-277 [co-guest editors Marijuán, P. C., Li, Z.-R., Ouyang, K.]


(2011) Does Computing Embrace Self-Organisation? Ontological Problems of Information-Processing. In: Dodig-Crnkovic, G.Burgin, M. (eds.), Information and Computation, Essays on Scientific and Philosophical Understanding of Foundations of Information and Computation, World Scientific, Singapore etc., 185-202


(2011) Emergent information. Some system-theoretical considerations about an integrative information concept. In: IJITA (International Journal Information Theory and Applications), Vol. 18, No. 1, 50-55


(2010) A unifying approach to information. Interview.

(2009) Review of “Cybersemiotics – Why Information is not Enough!” In: Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 16, 1-2, 179-183

(2009) Ontology of Information. In: Vallverdú, J. (ed.), VIIth European Conference on Philosophy and Computing, UAB, Barcelona, ISBN/DL B-27978-2009, 135

(2008) How to Achieve a Unified Theory of Information. In: Díaz Nafría, J. M., Salto Alemany, F. (eds.), ¿Qué es información?, Actas al Primer Encuentro Internacional de Expertos en Teorías de la Información, Un enfoque interdisciplinar, León, 6-7 noviembre de 2008, Universidad de León, ISBN 978-84-9773-451-6, 19. Also in: triple-c, vol. 7 (2009), no. 2, special issue, 357-368


(2007) Biological Information. Sign Processes in Living Systems. In: Barbieri, M. (ed.), Biosemiotic Research Trends, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 141-155 [co-author Ellersdorfer, G.]


(2005) Towards a New Foundation of Information-, Cognitive- and Communication Science, Team Report. In: Chroust, G., Hofer, C., Hoyer, C. (eds.), Proceedings of the Twelfth Fuschl Conversation, April 18-23, 2004, Fuschl am See, Austria, SEA-Publications, Institute for Systems Engineering and Automation, Linz, (ISBN 3-902457-07-4), 47-60 [co-authors Brier, S., Doncheva, A., Fuchs, C., Stockinger, G.]

(2005) Informational Universe. A praxeo-onto-epistemological Approach. In: Martikainen, E. (ed.), Human Approaches to the Universe, Interdisciplinary Studies, Luther-Agricola-Society, Academic Bookstore, Helsinki, 75–94 [co-authors Fuchs, C., Klauninger, B.]

(2004) Information in social systems. In: Schmitz, Walter (ed.), Zeichenprozesse in komplexen Systemen – Sign Processes in Complex Systems, Akten des 7. Internationalen Kongresses der International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS) vom 6.-11.10.1999, TU Dresden, Thelem, Dresden, plus 1 CD-ROM, ISBN 3-933592-21-6 [co-author Fuchs, C.]

(2002) Ein einheitlicher Informationsbegriff für eine einheitliche Informationswissenschaft. In: Floyd, C., Fuchs, C., Hofkirchner, W. (eds.): Stufen zur Informationsgesellschaft. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski. Peter Lang, Wien, 241–281 [A unified concept of information for a unified science of information] [co-author Fuchs, C.]

(1999) Cognitive Sciences in the Perspective of a Unified Theory of Information. In: Allen, J. K., Hall, M. L. W., Wilby, J. (eds.), Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of ISSS (The International Society for the Systems Sciences), ISBN 09664183-2-8 (CD-ROM), 18

(1999) Actio non est reactio. An Extension of the Concept of Causality towards Phenomena of Information. In: Hofkirchner, W. (ed.): The Quest for a Unified Theory of Information. Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Foundations of Information Science. With a Foreword by Klaus Haefner. Gordon&Breach, Amsterdam etc., 197–214 [co-author Fleissner, P.]

(1999) Is a Unified Theory of Information Feasible? In: Hofkirchner, W. (ed.): The Quest for a Unified Theory of Information. Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Foundations of Information Science. With a Foreword by Klaus Haefner. Gordon&Breach, Amsterdam etc., 9–30 [co-authors Capurro, R., Fleissner, P.]

(1999) Introduction. In: Hofkirchner, W. (ed.): The Quest for a Unified Theory of Information. Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Foundations of Information Science. With a Foreword by Klaus Haefner. Gordon&Breach, Amsterdam etc., xix–xxx

(1999) Towards a Unified Theory of Information – The Merging of Second-Order Cybernetics and Semiotics into a Single and Comprehensive Information Science. In: 15e Congrès International de Cybernétique, Namur 1998, Namur, 175–180

(1998) Information und Selbstorganisation – Zwei Seiten einer Medaille. In: Fenzl, N., Hofkirchner, W., Stockinger, G. (eds.): Information und Selbstorganisation. Annäherungen an eine vereinheitlichte Theorie der Information. Studienverlag, Innsbruck, 69–99 [Information and self-organisation – two sides of a coin]

(1997) Evolution of Learning – The Merging of Semiotic and Evolutionary-System Theories. In: A. M. Meystel (ed.), Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Semiotics: A Learning Perspective, NIST Special Publication 918, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, 248–251

(1997) Information Processing in Evolutionary Systems. An Outline Conceptual Framework for a Unified Information Theory. In: Schweitzer, F. (ed.), Self-Organization of Complex  Structures: From Individual to Collective Dynamics, Foreword by Hermann Haken, Gordon and Breach, London, 59–70 [co-author Fenzl, N.]

(1996) On the Genesis of Information Structures. A View that is neither Reductionist nor Holistic. In: Kornwachs, K., Jacoby, K. (eds.), Information, New Questions to a Multidisciplinary Concept, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 271–283 [co-authors Fenzl, N., et al.]

(1994) Informationsstrukturen auf zellulärer Ebene und Fragen des Reduktionismus/Antireduktionismus. In: Wessel, K.-F., F. Naumann (eds.), Kommunikation und Humanontogenese, Kleine, Bielefeld, 105–115 [Information structures on the cell level and the issue of reductionism/anti-reductionism] [co-author Ellersdorfer, G.]


3 ICTs and Society | top



(2025) Why Artificial Intelligence Alone Will Not Save Mankind: Digital Imperatives for Planetarity and Conviviality. In: Schroeder, M., Hofkirchner, W. (eds.), Understanding Information and its Role as a Tool, World Scientific, Singapore, … [co-author Kreowski, H.-J.]



(2024) Künstliche Intelligenz und die Krisen der Menschheit. In: FIfF Kommunikation, 4/2024, 45-47 [co-author Kreowski, H.-J.]



(2023) Digital Humanism and AI. In: Lindgren, S. (ed.), Handbook of Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence, Edward Elgar Publishers, 152-162 [co-author Kreowski, H.-J.]



(2023) Large Language Models cannot meet Artificial General Intelligence Expectations. In: Comput. Sci. Math. Forum 2023, 8(1), 67,



(2023) Techno-Social Systems: A Value-Based Model for Digitalisation. In: Comput. Sci. Math. Forum 2023, 8(1), 3,



(2023) Zur Konzeption des techno-sozialen Systems. In: VorSchein 39, 169-178


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(2022) Digital Humanism and the Future of Humanity. Editorial. In: Special issue, New Explorations, vol. 2, no. 3 [co-author Kreowski, H.-J.]



(2022) Digital Humanism: how to shape digitalisation in the age of global challenges. In: proceedings, 81 (1), 4. [co-author Kreowski, H.-J.]



(2022) Artificial Intelligence: “Machines of loving grace” or “Tools for conviviality”? In: Signifikant 4/5, 2021/22, 35-48
(2022) In: Wu, K. (ed.), Discussion on the Basic Theories of Philosophy of Information and Intelligence, China Social Sciences Press, Beijing, 142-152 [Chinese]
(2022) In: Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Social Science Edition, Vol. 34, No. 4, 56-61 [Chinese; translated by Wu, T.]



(2021) Digital Humanism: Epistemological, Ontological and Praxiological Foundations. In: Verdegem, P. (ed.), AI for Everyone: Critical Perspectives, University of Westminster Press, London, 33-47.



(2021) Promethean shame revisited. A praxio-onto-epistemological analysis of cyber futures. In: Hofkirchner, W., Kreowski, H.-J. (eds.), Transhumanism – The proper guide to a posthuman condition or a dangerous idea?. Cognitive Technologies, Springer, Cham, 185-206



(2020) Blurring of the human and the artificial. A conceptual clarification. In: proceedings, 47 (1), 7.  doi:10.3390/proceedings2020047007



(2020) Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence and Wisdom in the Global Sustainable Information Society (extended abstract). In: proceedings, 47 (1), 39. doi:10.3390/proceedings2020047039


Communications in Computer and Information Science

(2019) ICTs connecting global citizens, global dialogue and global governance, A call for needful designs. In: CCIS, vol. 1051, Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, 453-468  [co-authors Díaz Nafría, J. M., Crowley, P., Graf, W., Kramer, G., Kreowski, H.-J., Wintersteiner, W.]



(2018) Gibt es eine Kultur der vernetzten Welt? Wie Informatik eine globale und nachhaltige Informationsgesellschaft ermöglicht. In: Friedrich, V. (ed.), Technik denken, Philosophische Annäherungen, Festschrift für Klaus Kornwachs, Steiner, Stuttgart, 295-303 [a copy available on request]



(2018) Emergente Systeme, Information und Gesellschaft. Editorial. In: Leibniz Online, Jahrgang 2018, Nr. 32 [co-author Kreowski, H.-J.]



(2018) Eine Informatik für eine globale nachhaltige Informationsgesellschaft. In: Leibniz Online, Jahrgang 2018, Nr. 32, 1-5


Also in: FIfF-Kommunkation 3/18, 27-30



(2017) Workshop: Transhumanism – the proper guide to a posthuman condition or a dangerous idea?, Editorial. In: proceedings 1, 3,  246 (doi:10.3390/Proceedings1030246) [co-authors Kreowski, H.-J., Schnitzel, B., Sigmund, T., Stary, C., Thürmel, S.]



(2017) Workshop: Digital netizens at the crossroads of sharing and privatising, Editorial. In: proceedings 1, 3, 269 (doi:10.3390/proceedings1030269) [co-authors Carrigan, M., Coenen, C., Díaz, J., Fuchs-Kittowski, K., Herdin, T., Zimmermann, R.)



(2017) Imagined futures gone astray. An ontological analysis, Abstract. In: proceedings 1 (3), 239 (doi:10.3390/IS4SI-2017-03957)



(2017) World netizenship or barbarism, Abstract. In: proceedings 1 (3), 268 (doi:10.3390/IS4SI-2017-03945)



(2017) The Transformation of Global Sustainable Information Society in the Age of Global Challenges. In: Journal of Xi′an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), vol. 37, no. 1 (141), 1-4. DOI: 10.15896/j.xjtuskxb.20170101 [Chinese]



(2016) The Commons and Global Sustainable Information Society (GSIS). In: Baier, W., Canepa, E., Himmelstoss, E. (eds.), transform! Yearbook 2016: the Enigma of Europe, Merlin Press, London, 173-182



(2015) Ethics for a Global Sustainable Information Society. In: Doucek, P., Chroust, G., and Oskrdal, V. (eds.), IDIMT-2015, Information Technology and Society, Interaction and Interdependence, Schriftenreihe Informatik 44, Trauner, Linz, 281–288



(2014) Idiotism and the Logic of the Third. In: Lakitsch, M. (ed.), Political Power Reconsidered – State Power and Civic Activism between Legitimacy and Violence, Peace Report 2013, LIT Verlag, Münster, 55–76



(2014) “Global Sustainable Information Society” – Vision for the Future. In: Academics 188, No.1, Jan. 2014, 254–258



(2014) Potentials and Risks for Creating a Global Sustainable Information Society. In: Fuchs, C., Sandoval, M. (eds.), Critique, Social Media and the Information Society, Routledge, New York, London, 66-75


(2012) New ICTs and Social Media in Political Protest and Social Change. In: IRIE 18, 2-8 [co-authors Coenen, C., and Díaz Nafría, J. M.]


(2011) Communities of Action and the Message Society. In: Capurro, R., Holgate, J. (eds.), Messages and Messengers, Angeletics as an Approach to the Phenomenology of Communication, ICIE Series, vol. 5, Fink, München, 255-270


(2011) Das Leben, das Internet & der ganze Rest. Interview. In: Buchkultur Wissen Spezial 2011, 26-27 [Life, Internet and all the rest]


(2011) Information and Communication Technologies for a Good Society. In: Haftor, D. M., Mirijamdotter, A. (eds.), Information and Communication Technologies, Society and Human Beings: Theory and Framework, Information Science Reference, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 434-443.
Also in: Haftor, D.M., Mirijamdotter, A. (eds.), Information and Communication Technologies, Society and Human Beings, Professor Gunilla Bradley Festschrift, Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden, 412-420


(2010) Teaching transdisciplinarity: the case of ICTs and Society. In: Gu, J., Xu, J. (eds.), Proceedings of 2010 General Assembly of International Academy of Systems and Cybernetic Sciences, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 26-29

(2010) Editor’s Introduction: Theorizing ICTs and Society. In: triple-c, 8/2, 157

(2010) Sustainable development and ICTs, Editorial Comment. In: ICS, Vol. 13, Issue 1, 1–5 [co-authors Bichler, R., Bradley, G.]

(2009) Instrumental reason as hindering factor for meaningful technology design, Position paper for the workshop “Towards criteria of sustainability and social meaningfulness in development”. In: triple-c, vol. 7, no. 2, 404-407 [co-author Bichler, R.]

(2009) Walls or Bridges? The Future of the Web. In: Vidal, F. (ed.), Bloch-Jahrbuch 2009, Träume gegen Mauern, Dreams against walls, talheimer, Mössingen-Talheim, 205-216


(2009) Informationsgesellschaft. Drei Dialektiken. In: Fleissner, P., Wanek, N. (eds.), Bruchstücke, trafo, Berlin, 87-97 [Information society. Three dialectics]


(2009) Approaches Towards ICTs and Society – Theories and Methodologies. In: Bradley, G., Kommersd, P. (eds.), Proceedings of ICT, Society and Human Beings 2009, and Web Based Communities 2009, IADIS MCCSIS, 21-23 June, Algarve, Portugal, IADIS Press, ISBN 978-972-8924-82-9, xviii

(2009) Einheit durch Vielfalt in der vernetzten Welt. ICTs und ihr Beitrag zur Herstellung der Weltgesellschaft. In: Losurdo, D., Azzarà, S. (eds.), Die Philosophie und die Idee einer Weltgesellschaft, Congresso internazionale, Millepiani, Pisa, 525-550 [Unity through diversity in a networked world. The contribution of ICTs to the forming of world society]

(2009) Die Vision der Informationsgesellschaft als Paradigma der Moderne. In: Dimmel, N., Noll, A. J. (eds.), Soziale Relevanz des Rechts, Festgabe für Johann J. Hagen, Czernin, Wien, 97-106 [The vision of the information society as paradigm of modernity]

(2008) The Web as Techno-Social System: The Emergence of Web 3.0, In: Trappl, R. (ed.), Cybernetics and Systems 2008, Proceedings of the Nineteenth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, organized by the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, held at the University of Vienna, 25-28 March 2008, Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, 604-609 [co-authors Raffl, C., Fuchs, C., Schafranek, M.]

(2007) Theorien der Informationsgesellschaft. In: Sitzungsberichte der Leibniz-Sozietät, Band 93, trafo-Verlag, Berlin, 101-117 [Theories of information society]

(2007) ICTs and Society – The Salzburg Approach. Towards a Theory for, about, and by means of the Information Society. In: ICT&S Center Research Paper Series, No. 3, Dec.,, 57 pages [co-authors Fuchs, C., Raffl, C., Schafranek, M., Sandoval, M., Bichler, R.]

(2006) Das Internet – Medium einer bewussten gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung. In: Fleissner, P., Romano, V. (eds.), Digitale Medien – neue Möglichkeiten für Demokratie und Partizipation? trafo Verlag, Berlin, 157-170 [Internet – medium of conscious development of society]


(2006) Culture and Technology: A Mutual-Shaping-Approach. In: Hongladarom, S., Ess, C. (eds.), Information Technology Ethics: Cultural Perspectives, Idea Group, Hershey PA, 57-64 [co-authors Herdin, T., Maier-Rabler, U.]


(2005) New Approaches to Research on Social Implications of Emerging Technologies. Draft Position Papers for MIT-OII Joint Workshop, Oxford Internet Institute, 92-94 [co-authors Maier-Rabler, U., Raffl, C., Hartwig, C.]

(2003) The Architecture of the Information Society. In: Wilby, J., Allen, J.K. (eds.), Proceedings of the 47th Annual Conference, ISSS (The International Society of the Systems Sciences), ISBN 0-9740735-1-2 (CD-ROM), 10 [co-author Fuchs, C.]

(2002) Internet and „Glocalization“. In: Becker, J. (ed.), Internet in Malaysia and Vietnam, Deutsches Übersee-Institut, Hamburg, 165–175

(2002) Global Brain sucht Global Mind – Von Verletzlichkeit, Verantwortlichkeit und Vergatterung. In: Österreichisches Studienzentrum für Frieden und Konfliktlösung (ed.), Ground Zero, Friedenspolitik nach den Terroranschlägen auf die USA, agenda, Münster, 183–201 [Global brain looking for global mind – about vulnerability, responsibility and calling out the guard]

(2001) The One and the Many. Information Technologies between Modernism, Fundamentalism, and Postmodernism. In: Becker, J., Hashim, R. (eds.), Internet Malaysia, UKM, Bangi, 7–21

(2000) Tin hoc va xa hoi. In: Becker, J., Dang Ngoc Dinh (eds.), Internet o Viet Nam va cac nuoc dang phat trien (Internet in Vietnam und anderen Entwicklungsländern – vietnames.) , Nha Xuat Ban Khoa Hoc Va Ky Thuat, Ha Noi, 73–84 [Informatics and Society  –  Vietnamese]

(1999) Does electronic networking entail a new stage of cultural evolution? In: Fleissner, P., J. C. Nyiri (eds.), Cyberspace: A New Battlefield for Human Interests?, Philosophy of Culture and the Politics of Electronic Networking, vol. II, Studienverlag, Innsbruck, Áron, Budapest, 3–22

(1999) Die halbierte Informationsgesellschaft. In: Buchinger, E. (ed.), „Informations-?-Gesellschaft“, OEFZS-Berichte, Jänner, 49–58 [Information society yet incomplete]

(1996) Working towards the noosphere: The concept of labour revisited. In: human’s work tomorrow, Futuroscope, Wien, 49–55

(1996) Das Technikbild der Gestaltungs- und Wirkungsforschung. In: Böhm, H.-P., Gebauer, H., Irrgang, B. (eds.), Nachhaltigkeit als Leitbild für Technikgestaltung, Forum für interdisziplinäre Forschung 14, 69–78 [The view of technology in design and assessment of technology]

(1995) Die Ambivalenz der Computertechnologie – Der Fall Lernsysteme. Ein interaktives, multimediales Hypertextsystem zum Thema Golfkrieg. In: Kreowski, H.-J., u.a. (eds.), Realität und Utopien der Informatik, agenda, 90–94 [Ambiguity of computer technology – the case of learning systems. An interactive multi-media hypertext system on the Gulf War] [co-author Purgathofer, P.]

(1994) The Paradigm Shift in Technology Assessment: Human Centred Systems Design as Part of ‚Design and Assessment of Technology‘. In: Farkas, J. (ed.), Abstracts, EASST (European Association for the Study of Science and Technology), Conference on Science, Technology and Change: New Theories, Realities, Institutions, Budapest, 250–251 [co-author Pohl, M.]

(1994) On the Philosophy of Design and Assessment of Technology. In: Katsikides, S. (ed.), Informatics, Organization and Society, Oldenbourg, Wien, München, 38–46

(1994) The Human Perspective on Information Systems. Human Centred Systems Design as Part of Design and Assessment of Technology. In: Uniwersalnosc Cybernetyki 6 Krajowa Konferencja Naukowa PTC & Applying An Anthropocentric Approach 1 International Meeting, Materialy, Vol. III, Kraków, 17–23 [co-author Pohl, M.]

(1994) Innovation Patterns. In: Katsikides, S., M. Campbell, J. Hochgerner (eds.), Patterns of Social and Technological Change in Europe, Avebury, Aldershot/Brookfield USA/Hong kong/Singapore/Sydney, 125–134 [co-author Pohl, M.]

(1993) Eine computergestützte multimediale Dokumentation über den Golfkrieg. In: Grechenig, Th., Tscheligi, M. (eds.), Human Computer Interaction, Vienna Conference, VCHCI ‘93, Fin de Siècle, Proceedings, Springer-Vlg. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 733), Berlin, 433–434 [A computer-supported multi-media documentation on the Gulf War] [co-authors Purgathofer, P., et al.]

(1990)  Versorgungsgesellschaft ohne Versorgung. In: Knies, G., et al. (eds.), Betriebsbedingung Frieden – Herausforderung der Hochtechnologie-Zivilisation für eine nachmilitärische Ära, Berlin, 65–72 [Society without supporting systems]

(1990)  Thesen zum zivilen Umbau der Gesellschaft. In: Gonnermann, B., Mechtersheimer, A. (eds.), Verwundbarer Frieden, Zwang zu gemeinsamer Sicherheit für die Industriegesellschaften Europas, Brandenburgisches Verlagshaus, Berlin, 161–166 [On the civil reconstruction of society]

(1990)  Ist Krieg in Europa noch führbar? In: betrifft frieden 1, 8–10 [Is warfare still possible in Europe?]

(1989)  Abschreckung im Widerspruch. In: Informationsdienst der “Salzburger Gruppe” – Aktionsgemeinschaft für Kirche und Gesellschaft 2, 47–50 [Inconsistent deterrence]

(1989)  Das Haus Europa soll umgebaut werden. Zu Gorbatschows neuer Abrüstungsinitiative. In: Tu was für den Frieden 1, 3–8 [The reconstruction of the European house. On Gorbachev’s new disarmament initiative]

(1988) Über die österreichische Friedensbewegung und das Neue Denken. In: Neues Denken im Nuklearzeitalter, Frieden und gesellschaftlicher Fortschritt, Zentrum für Marxistische Friedensforschung, Frankfurt, 72–75 [The Austrian peace movement and the New Way of Thinking]

(1987)  Flexible Automatisierung – Chance für Österreichs Klein- und Mittelbetriebe? In: polyscope computer+electronic 1, 73–76 [Flexible automation – a prospect for Austrian SMEs?] [co-author Fleissner, P.]

(1987)  Branchenanalyse: Bauwirtschaft. In: Fleissner, P. (ed.), Technologie und Arbeitswelt in Österreich, Trends bis zur Jahrtausendwende, Verlag des ÖGB, Wien, Bd. 4, 9–81 [Sector analysis: construction]

(1987)  Branchenanalyse: Bergbau, Steine, Erden, Zement. In: Fleissner, P. (ed.), Technologie und Arbeitswelt in Österreich, Trends bis zur Jahrtausendwende, Verlag des ÖGB, Wien, Bd. 2, 58–108 [Sector analysis: mining]

(1987)  Arbeit und Technik. In: Fleissner, P. (ed.), Technologie und Arbeitswelt in Österreich, Trends bis zur Jahrtausendwende, Verlag des ÖGB, Wien, Bd. 1, 17–40 [Work and technology]

(1986)  Anwendungskonzepte flexibler Automation in Klein- und Mittelbetrieben – Ein Forschungsprojekt. In: Margulies, F., Hillebrand, G. (eds.), Neue Automatisierungstechniken, Chancen für Klein- und Mittelbetriebe, Springer-Verlag, Wien, 68–79 [Implementation of flexible automation in SMEs] [co-author Fleissner, P.]

(1985)  Friede auf Erden durch “Krieg der Sterne”? In: Informationsdienst der “Salzburger Gruppe” – Aktionsgemeinschaft für Kirche und und Gesellschaft 3/, 21–27 [Peace on earth through Star Wars?]

(1984)  The Impact of the Introduction of Industrial Robots. In: Mårtensson, N. (ed.), Proceedings of the 14th International Symposion on Industrial Robots, Oct. 1984, Gothenborg (Sweden), North Holland, Amsterdam, 1–12 [co-authors Dell'mour, R., et al.]

(1984)  USA: Griff nach den Sternen – Griff nach der Erstschlagsfähigkeit. In: Weg und Ziel 12, 432–437 [USA: longing for the stars – longing for the first strike capacity]

(1983)  Kriegsführungs- und Kriegsverhütungsdenken im Nuklearzeitalter. Zu den Militärdoktrinen der USA und der UdSSR. In: Betz, K., Kaiser, A. (eds.), Wissenschaft zwischen Krieg und Frieden, Beiträge einer Konferenz, Elefanten Press, Berlin, 142–148 [Concepts of warfare and prevention of war in the nuclear age] [co-author Gausterer, R.]

(1982)  Von doppelten Reichweiten und Vierfachsprengköpfen. Militärausgaben, konventionelle Streitkräfte, strategische Arsenale. In: Entwicklungspolitische Nachrichten 10–11, 31–33 [Of double ranges and multiple warheads]

(1982)  “Nachrüstung” – Legitimationsformel mit Wirklichkeitsgehalt? In: Aufrisse 1, 15–21. Also in: Wissenschaftliche Welt 4/1982, 16–21 with translations into Esperanto [“Postarmado”– legitimada formulo kun reala enhavo. In: Scienca mondo 3/1982, 4–8], English [Delusions of the arms race. In: Scientific World 4/1982, 16–20] and Russian [Nessostojatelnije dowodi storonnikow  jadernowo dowooruschenija bloka NATO. In: Mir Nauki 4/1982, 31–33]

