presentations and downloads

Last modified July 30th, 2023 by hofkirchner



Stop the Killing, Negotiations Now! Vienna Declaration for Peace in Ukraine (read by Josef Mühlbauer, Varna Peace Institute) | link to the video | link to the text


Bildschirmfoto 2022-07-10 um 17.47.46

Die Verantwortung, die gesamte Menschheit vor der Vernichtung zu schützen (Volksstimme, No. 7-8, August 2022, 10-12) | pdf (in German)



Ein dritter Sprung zum Menschsein: Mensch werden! (In a festschrift edited by Doris Zeilinger: Assoziation. Rainer E. Zimmermann zum Siebzigsten, 2021) | pdf (in German)


Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-02 um 14.12.44

Die Verknüpfung von Globaler Citizenship, Globalem Dialog und Globaler Governance (ASPR, 37. Sommerakademie 2021) | link



Systeme, Commons und das Überleben der Menschheit. Die notwendige techno-öko-soziale Transformation (Schwerpunkt Commons. Volksstimme, No. 5, Mai 2021, 28) | pdf (in German)



Der Imperativ des Informationszeitalters (Berlin 2020, online) | video (in German) | pdf (slides in German)



Artificial Intelligence: ‘Machines of loving grace’ or ‘Tools for conviviality’?” (Xi’an 2020, online) | pdf (text)



A paradigm shift for the Great Bifurcation (2020) | link



The concept of the global citizen – a possible third step in becoming truly human/e (Köszeg 2020) | pdf



Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, and Wisdom in the Global Sustainable Information Society (Berkeley 2019) | pdf

Blurring of the human and the artificial (Berkeley 2019) | pdf



Social relations: building on Ludwig von Bertalanffy (2019) | link



Kultur der Technik: Können wir leben, was wir tun? (Ulm 2017) | presentation (in German)



Global Challenges Transformation. Connecting Global Citizens, Global Dialogue, and Global Governance (a proposal together with Peter Crowley, José María Díaz Nafría, Wilfried Graf, Gudrun Kramer, Hans-Jörg Kreowski, and Werner Wintersteiner 2017) | pdf




World netizenship or barbarism (Gothenburg 2017) | presentation

Imagined futures gone astray (Gothenburg 2017) | presentation



Die Qualität von Information – eine weise Gesellschaft? (Kolumne “Management im Kopf”, Folge 23, Komplexität meistern, von Maria Pruckner in Karriere., 31. 10. 2016) | link



Transdisciplinarity and systems thinking (Gothenburg 2016) | abstractlink (pdf) | presentation



Creating Common Good – The Vision of the Global Sustainable Information Society as the Good Society (Paris 2016) | presentation link | link



Informatik für eine globale nachhaltige Informationsgesellschaft (Berlin 2015) | pdf (German)



Ethics for a Global Sustainable Information Society (Podebrady 2015) | pdf



Information for a Global Sustainable Information Society. ISIS Summit Vienna 2015 opening speech (Vienna 2015) | link



Ethics from systems: the emergence of normativity with and within social systems and the current state of normativity (Cardiff 2015) | link



Über Design Science (interview for the Institut für Design Science München, made by Thomas Zimmermann, 2014) | video (German)



Civilisation at the crossroads – response and responsibility of the systems sciences. EMCSR 2014 welcome address (Vienna 2014) | pdf



Information as relation and structure (Palermo 2014) | trailer (Thomas Zimmermann)



Why freedom of information is not enough (Vienna 2014) | link | video



“Mechanisms” around the Information Society (Oxford 2014) | pdf | audio



Global Consciousness. The global brain in the perspective of a Global Sustainable Information Society (Brussels 2013) | video link | abstract



“Global Sustainable Information Society” – Vision for the Future (Xi’an 2013) | paper | ppt | video



Foundations of hope for a Global Sustainable Information Society (León 2013) | pdf


Towards a Global Sustainable Information Society (Moscow 2013) | video | ppt


Remarks. History and prospects of development of the international cooperation in the field of studying of fundamental problems of Information Science (Moscow 2013) | video |


Confrontando la complejidad: teoría general de sistemas (english) (León 2013) | video link | presentation link


Transdisciplinarity by complexity thinking (León 2013) | video link | presentation link


Vernadsky’s concept of the Noosphere within the perspective of systems theory (Berlin 2013) | pdf | mov


Emergent information. The quest for a Unified Theory (Vienna 2013) | pdf | mov


The validity of describing ‘Morphogenic society’ as a system and justifiability of thinking about it as a social formation (Lausanne 2013) | pdf | mov


Emergent Information. A Unified Theory of Information Framework (2013) | link (front mattert) | link (back matter)


Potentials and Risks for Creating a Global Sustainable Information Society (Uppsala 2012) | pdf | html


Chairing the 21st European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (Vienna 2012) | pdf


Self-organisation as the mechanism of development and evolution in social systems (Lausanne 2012) | mov


When a difference makes a difference (Milton Keynes 2011) | abstract | mov | audio


Sustainability and self-organisation (Oxford 2010) | mov | audio


Teaching transdisciplinarity: the case of ICTs and Society (Chengdu 2010) | pdf | mov


Die Methode Vol. 1 (2010) | link (look inside)


Four Ways of Thinking in Information (Beijing 2010) | pdf | mov


Twenty Questions About a Unified Theory of Information: A Short Exploration into Information from a Complex Systems View (2010) | link (look inside)


ICTs-and-Society Research – What’s it for? (Barcelona 2010) | abstract | pdf | mov | video


The Self-Organisation of the Information Society (Castelldefels 2010)
Part 1: Self-Organisation in Real-World Systems | abstract | pdf | mov | video
Part 2: Social Self-Organisation | abstract | pdf |mov | video
Part 3: The Self-Organisation of the Information Society | abstract | pdf | mov | video
Part 4: The Great Bifurcation | abstract | pdf | mov | video


A unifying approach to information. Interview (León-Vienna 2010) | link


“Community” – Where to from Here? (Urbino 2009) | abstract | pdf | mov

A Case for Knowledge Commons (Trento 2009) | pdf

System theory in the context of ICT (Salzburg 2008) | pdf

Informationsgesellschaft (Wien 2008) | pdf

A Critical Social Systems View of the Internet (Glasgow 2007) | mov

Web 3.0 – Technologies for Cooperation? (Chicago 2007) | mov

Die Einheit der Informationsgesellschaft. Antrittsvorlesung (Salzburg 2007) | video | pdf

Evolutionäre Systemtheorie als Grundlage einer einheitlichen Raumtheorie (Salzburg 2006) | pdf

Towards a Post-Luhmannian Social Systems View (Durban 2006) | pdf

Unity through Diversity. European Integration in the Perspective of Systems Philosophy (Varna 2006) | pdf

Self-organisation, less-than-strict-determinism, and the four Aristotelian causes (Bolzano 2006) | pdf

Zur Theorie der Informationsgesellschaft: Informatiion und Wissen als zentrale Begriffe gesellschaftlicher Selbstbeschreibung (Klagenfurt 2006) | pdf

What is biological information? A transdisciplinary approach (Urbino 2005) | pdf

Beyond the Third Culture! Science in the Information Age. Lecture dedicated to the Memory of Tom Stonier (Paris 2005) | pdf

A Unified Theory of Information as Transdisciplinary Framework (Västerås 2005) | mov

Wissensgesellschaft am Scheideweg (Salzburg 2005) | pdf

eTheory: vernetzte Welt – vernetzte Wissenschaft (Salzburg 2005) | mov

Aspects of a Unified Theory of Information: Agenda – Framework – Applications (Prague 2002) | pdf