
January 29th, 2013 by hofkirchner

yesterday it was in the news. two out of six initiatives won the qualification of a “future emerging technologies flagship” by the european union. one billion of euros are to be expected for each. congrats to those who won, including austrian participants in both.

however, i’m rather concerned about one proposal being not elected: the “futurict” proposal. it’s about icts (information and communication technologies) supporting cognition, communication and co-operation for a better future of humanity – at least, that proposal would have been open for that. for me, it’s clear that the possible impact of research in those fields that won the competition (modelling the human brain activity and the nano material project graphen) will be punctual only, whereas icts will nolens volens change our lives on a much larger scale.

the question is: will icts do the change by economy-driven innovations only that you never needed or by thoughtful deliberations on how to create meaningful technologies for making earth a better place to live in?

have a look at the “futurict” proposal summary and make up your mind.


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