icts-and-society network: the next 2 years

September 8th, 2010 by hofkirchner

we met in castelldefels. we had more than 60 participants from all over the world, that is, from all continents but africa. we had an excellent phd day for our young researchers and a fairly good integration of them during the next days. we had several self-organised thematic sessions and only two paper sessions. not to forget our two keynote speakers bill dutton and juliet webster. and the president of the open university of catalonia, imma tubella, who welcomed us so warmly.

now the floor is open to plan the next two years. christian fuchs kindly agreed to join me as co-coordinator, he will be responsible for a newsletter for the platform members.

our suggestion is to have a special meeting around a certain topic next year and a bigger meeting in two years. it’s up to the network members to make suggestions! and the network is open to any researcher in the field.

for the castelldefels meeting see http://www.icts-and-society.net/meeting/. for the platform see http://www.icts-and-society.net/.

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