first ISIS conference

July 4th, 2013 by hofkirchner

a glimpse of the FIS 2013 (International Conference on the Foundations of Information Science) in Moscow, 21 – 24 May. it was the first conference organised in the framework of ISIS (International Society for Information Studies). its topic was education for the new millennium.


a small present from Austria to the parting president of ISIS, Konstantin Kolin, Institute of Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (left), from the new president. 


there must be fun: from Beijing to Moscow. the FIS conference in Beijing 2010 (“Towards a new science of information“) paved the way for the establishment of ISIS. in the middle, Robert Jahn, ISIS Secretary General, flanked by Kang Ouyang, Social Information Science Institute in Wuhan, on the left, who organised the Beijing conference with the help of Zong-Rong Li, now professor at the department of  psychology at te same university, on the right; sitting on the floor: Nick Zakharov, Shakespeare connoisseur, in charge of the Moscow Local Organizing Committee. 


the serious side of life: from Beijing to Moscow to Vienna 2015. ISIS officers and Secretary General from left to right: Kang Ouyang, Past President; Konstantin Kolin, Immediate Past President; myself, President; Pedro C. Marijuán (Bioinformation Group, Zaragoza; FIS – Foundations of Information Science), Vice-President for Protocol; and Robert Jahn.

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