austrian arbeitskreis information studies founded

December 19th, 2011 by hofkirchner

peter fleissner, retired professor from the vienna university of technology, my former chief, with whom i made the first steps in the second half of the 90s toward a unified theory of information, franz ofner, associate professor at the alpen-adria university of klagenfurt, lecturer at the vienna university of technology, who was collaborator in the project on evolutionary systems after the turn to the new millennium, and me founded a working group at the austrian computer society. its focus: “information studies”. by that we understand research efforts revolving around the information concept used throughout the disciplines. quantum information, bioinformatics and information in systems biology, biosemiotics, cognitive sciences, consciousness studies, communication, media studies, information and communication technologies, technologies for co-operation – all that and more is part of information studies and might partake in a transdisciplinary attempt at contributing to a single integrated science of information, information society and information technology. there is a trend toward leaving behind Shannonian information that is not adequate, and never has been so, to the challenges of our time. we want to be part of that trend. see here.

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