systems thinking: what’s it for?
due to funding, the Bertalanffy Center is now in the position to hold its very first face-to-face experts’ meeting. it’s a symposium to be held on the outskirts of vienna, a place which provides shelter but room enough so as to leave behind the plains of everyday life and let a bigger picture emerge. the place is also famous for good vines and a cuisine with traditional austrian roots. about a dozen international guests have confirmed their participation. the Bertalanffy Center, set up for facilitating reflection upon the development a variety of systems schools have taken, organises that event on the occasion of Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s 110th birthday.
another event is a talk given by the author of Bertalanffy’s ultimate biography on how the General System Theory was constructed.
– distinguished academics joined recently the scientific council of the Bertalanffy Center: Mario Augusto Bunge, the most important representative of “emergentist systemism” (so Poe Yu-Ze Wan in his “reframing the social”, ashgate 2011);
Mario Bunge (photo: McGillReporter 40, 06)
Klaus Kornwachs, a systems philosopher who is famous for his pragmatic information concept;
Klaus Kornwachs (photo: Jürgen Bauer)
Gerald Midgley, well-known author of a 4 volumes anthology of systems thinking, now in hull;
Gerald Midgley (photo: Gerald Midgley)
and Rainer E. Zimmermann, the most prominent representative of onto-epistemology working in the field of evolutionary systems.
Rainer E. Zimmermann (photo: Rainer E. Zimmermann)